The Tiny Tots class requires children to be able to follow basic instruction, without hands-on help from their adult. They will learn to sit and listen to the instructor when necessary, interact with other children safely, wait in a line and stay in a group. Beginner Gymnastics skills will be introduced including, positions, rolls, cartwheel and handstand progressions, basic balance beam and bar skills. Class focuses on improving flexibility, strength and coordination, with an emphasis on safety and FUN!
The Tumble Tikes class will build on the fundamentals learned in Tiny Tots. Students will begin to learn more advanced skills on multiple of the primary gymnastics events including, vault, uneven bars, rings, balance beam and floor exercise. Class requires children to be able to sit and listen to instructors when necessary, interact safely with others and stay in their group. Children will develop excellent listening skills and the ability to follow more advanced instruction, as well as continuing to improve their strength, flexibility and overall self confidence!
Like the You & Me, classes wrap up with time on one of our trampoline surfaces, some fun in the foam pit, and stamps to celebrate their efforts and behavior in class!

Tiny Tots
3 & 4 yrs Co-ed
45 minutes
Tumble Tikes
4 & 5 yrs Co-ed
45 minutes